Friday, July 4, 2008

On the fence

Words the Lord wants me to share with one in particular, just not sure when...
On the fence....
I sent out a word from a list, that was part of this...
Something I must share with YOU alone...
The Lord says you've been on the fence too long... You yearn to be close to Him and follow His ways, but there are things of/in this world you have not been willing to let go.
How long will you expect His patience? How long do you think you can play 'halve-sies'?
Choose you THIS day whom you will serve. The WORD says to whom much is given, __________, much is have been saved long enough to be a meat eater, not just a milk drinker. When you eat meat, you don't go back to bottle feeding. Stepping up means just that. The Lord knows you have a tough situation at home, but He would remind you that those He calls, He equips. He asks you to set aside YOUR expectations of what YOU want and ONLY pick up HIS Cross for you. There are things He's asked you time and time again to set aside; you do for a time, then like a dog digging for a bone, you seek out old patterns again. He reminds us that OLD things are passed away and all things become new. If we go back to old ways, we re-crucify Him and bring Him to an open shame. We must then come back to repentance and renounce old patterns and then walk away. We must not look back.
Sin IS fun for a season, but the long term repercussions will be felt. Remember, the books will be open and all will come to light. Let our words, works and every thought be brought under HIS captivity.

OK __________ I'm not sure what all this is about - trying to second guess will only get me in trouble, so take it - read it, check with the WORD and in prayer. I leave it with God and you.
He loves you so!
Mrs. Lorenz

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