Personal note: These words are always timely. Some are intrinsically "mine", others received , "well I know xxx and yyy are going through zzz, this might help them." Some just hit us all universally...This is one of those. It brought me to tears. One I'm printing it out and re-reading a few times! Be encouraged, be convicted, pass it on, work it out...whatever the Lord works in you, be open, be challenged! To top it off, read the devotional...think it is co-incidence I got these BOTH?
Walk In Holiness Before Me
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This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis []
Walk In Holiness Before Me
Dear child, don't you realize that there is a difference between having
been purified and walking in purity? It is true that the blood of My Son
cleanses you from all unrighteousness, and that blood cannot lose it's
power--No matter how badly you fail or how low you fall, the forgiveness
and restoration that My Son purchased for you is yours when you put your
faith in Him.
But, dear one, I do not expect you to continue in sin and rebellion and
disobedience after you have been redeemed. I have placed My Holy Spirit
within you to transform you. I am at work in you to change your nature,
so that you might be more like Myself. I want you to think like Me, to
begin to desire the things that I desire, and to distain the things that
I distain. I will make these changes in you if you let Me, but you have
to choose to cooperate with Me in this process.
Dear one, once you have been redeemed and cleansed, you are not supposed
to return to the mud and filth of this world and continue to wallow in
it. You have been transformed from death to life--don't run back to death.
If you embrace the ways of this world, then you will also embrace the
sorrows and troubles of this world. That is not a good choice for you,
dear one, since the riches of Heaven are available to you here in this
life. But you cannot access them in this life unless you choose to walk
in holiness and purity before Me.
Don't you realize, little one, that if you give yourself to sin and
uncleanness, that you nullify and void My promises of protection and
provision over your life? I have so many blessings that I want to pour
out on you, but you must learn to walk in holiness and purity before Me
in order to receive them. I am a Good Father, and as such, I cannot
reward shameful behavior and misconduct. But when My children choose
to obey Me, and to honor Me, and to walk in My ways; then I begin to
pour out all of My promises and blessings on their lives.
Dear child, you need to choose to walk in holiness and righteousness if
you want Me to pour out My blessings upon you. If someone has told you
that you can do whatever you want and sin and rebel, and yet still
receive My blessing and favor; they have lied to you. It is true that,
as you repent, the blood of My Son is applied to your account and you
are forgiven. Your walk with Me on this earth can be a failure the
majority of the time, but your sins are still forgiven because you
believe in My Son; because you put your faith in Him.
But if you live in the sins of this world, you will not walk in My
blessings and you will not be an overcoming one.
I am looking for a Holy people, who obey Me because they love Me. I am
looking for those who will lay aside their own will for Mine. I am
looking for those who will turn aside from the shallow pleasures of the
world that are in disobedience to My word. I am looking for those who
will honor Me and choose to walk in My ways. I am looking for those who
will forgive others because I have forgiven them. I am looking for those
who lay aside bitterness and desires for revenge to embrace My ways. I
am looking for those who will choose to set themselves aside as My own;
who will obey Me without question; who will love Me with all of their
Those are the ones who will see My goodness and My blessings in this
life. Those are the ones for whom I will supply their needs in miraculous
ways. Those who honor Me in this life--I will honor them. I will take
care of them and I will bless them. They will have peace when others do
not. I will provide for them when there is much lack, and I will release
My angelic resources to watch over them and keep them safe.
I am a holy God and I desire a holy people, set apart from the ways of
this word for My purposes. Choose to be Holy before Me, dear one.
If you want to walk in the fullness of My blessings and abundance in
this life, then learn to walk in holiness before Me. Learn to obey Me
because you love Me. Give yourself to Me, set yourself apart for My
purposes--and I will pour back of My glory, My riches, My protection
and My blessings upon your life.
Secret Places June 30, 2008
Secret Places By Lisa Whittle, She Speaks! Graduate
"He searches the sources of the rivers and brings hidden things to light." Job 28:11
Devotion: Have you ever noticed how often Satan uses secret things to trip us up on our journey…those secret places that reside deep within our soul that we keep hidden from others and even try to hide from God?
Think about it… pornography is usually done in secret. Excessive shopping can be done over the Internet, with no one watching. Eating disorders develop in isolation when we binge by ourselves, then purge with no one around. Or when we publicly pretend to eat, but privately starve ourselves.
The things we watch, what we think and how we spend our time are the "secret places" Satan can and will use against us. Yet often we continue in our secrecy, afraid to reach for Truth. Why?
Secret places seem safe. Secret places are familiar. Secret places feel comfortable to us. So we cling to them.
It's not that we don't want to be honest and get real about the secret places in our soul. It's just sometimes easier to keep the truth hidden than it is to get real about things from the inside-out. Though most of us crave authenticity, our fears of being "found out" are what keep us living in secret, exactly where Satan wants us to stay. The crafty, conniving one knows that if he can get us to continue to bury our secret places deep within our heart, we can't be effective for God. He knows that thoughts of our private sins will eventually eat away at us, causing us to feel fraudulent and unworthy of the love and acceptance of others, and most of all, our Heavenly Father. But the truth is, we are the ones who don't love and accept ourselves. Not God.
Friends, the message of Jesus Christ is one of hope and restoration. It is one of freedom. It is one of unconditional love and acceptance. And it is one of Truth and spiritual exposure. What He is after from all of us is greater authenticity, greater genuineness, and the Truth, found in Him. In His sovereignty, He knows it is what we truly crave. "What you're after is truth, from the inside-out" Psalm 51:6 (MSG).
So, how do we combat those secret keeping habits we've developed over time? 1) Practice telling the truth. Telling the truth is a choice and needs to be a conviction. Healthy habits can and will be formed when practiced repeatedly, and truth telling is an important habit to get into.
2) Develop a genuinely authentic faith. Recognize the importance of authenticity, and begin making it of utmost priority. Do things to strengthen your walk (prayer, Bible study, etc.) and guard your mind.
3) Recognize that no one has it all together. See Satan's lie for what it is and determine not to get into the comparison trap with others. You cannot know what a person is all about by what they look like on the outside.
4) Stop trying to be perfect, act confident, appear happy, and seem super spiritual. These are some of the most common ways we, as women, pretend. It is only when we operate in a spirit of truth and openness that we will be able to live without pretense.
5) Determine to live your life with a genuineness that others will cling to and want to emulate. Honesty facilitates honesty. When you begin to get real and honest, hiding nothing in your relationship with God and others, people will begin to take notice and follow suit. This will strengthen all of your relationships and build up your self-esteem!
When we no longer hide in our "secret places," we can venture down a different path of greater authenticity and truth, bringing us to a place of ultimate and lasting freedom. And it is in freedom that we find no value in being a secret keeper any more.
Lord Jesus, thank You for knowing me completely, and loving me just the same. Help me to seek Your Truth and deny my natural tendency to hide from You and others. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources: The Seven Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do by Kathie Reimer and Lisa Whittle
For more on this topic, visit Rachel Olsen's blog as she discusses the new book"Behind Those Eyes: What's Really Going on Inside the Souls of Women" by Lisa Whittle
Application Steps: Submit yourself to the scrutiny of the Lord and ask Him to show you the areas of your life that you are trying to keep hidden. Write them down and pray over each one, claiming the victory in your life by the power of God over each and every area.
Reflections: How does keeping secrets affect my relationship with others, God and even, myself?
Power Verses: John 8:32, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (NIV)
Job 28:11, "He searches the sources of the rivers and brings hidden things to light." (NIV)
Proverbs 31 Ministries 616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, NC 28105 |
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